Tuesday, December 29, 2009

little grey dresses

happy new years!
i love new years almost as much as christmas,
maybe even more.
its the excitement of a new year, a fresh start, new beginings, goals.
ive been thinking a lot about that word,
and how far ive come and all that ive achieved in one year.
i started the year out so afraid of the future,
i had to make some really tough life decisions.
it felt like closing my eyes jumping off a cliff and
praying to god that there would be water
or at least a parachute to break my fall.
there was.
i got a divorce, a full time job, new car, had a lot of fun with my kids,
focused more on my photography,
got on my own 2 feet
(with lots of help :)
and pretty much saw what i was capable of.
and i liked it :)
i cant wait,
i have so many goals/resolutions...
what would your word be?

even if i ring in the new year
watching movies and drinking sparkling cider with the kids
it would be real fun to do it wearing
one of these little grey dresses...
to bad im broke from christmas,
but seriously so cute.

my favorite new year tradition
growing up
was watching these movies.
im going to go and try and find them today after work.
i HAVE to watch/own them.
im pretty darn positive my dad still watches
them every year.
i lalalaloved natalie wood,
(still do)
absolutley adored her when i was little.
she was the bees knees.

Monday, December 28, 2009

tough decisions

okay i cant decide on how
i want to display pictures on my living room wall.
i know, crisis right?
well at least ive narrowed it down to 2 possibilities.


oh and im doing that rad pom pom cluster funk
in darby's room...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

hot ticket item

christian is in hog heaven with his new camera.
a couple years ago
after i got my camera i let christian use
my old one and i seriously LOVED the pictures he took
it was so fun to see things from his point of view.
what he found interesting.
im glad santa hooks him up...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

christmas eve a roo

i love this year.
i feel so blessed.

slept in
played all day
laughed our butts off at walmart
let the kids pick out whatever dinner they wanted
their hearts said spaghetti o's, corn, grilled cheese and bubbly
me and dree ordered indian food
watched elf 2 times
went for a cruise to see lights
stuffed stockings while watching 500 days of summer
"no im sid vicious"

family ugly sweater present exchange christmas party

the family party was so much fun this year.
here are some of the ugly sweaters...

"old ladies lingerie"

the gathered puffs on jeffs sleeve were priceless

erin channeled her inner deb.
she looked just like her.

"winters baby breathe kiss"

"sugarplum dreams, wishes and whispers"

the newlyweds and winners!

awkward times.
rick went for a more tropical look.

rick thank you for making my
garden yeti dreams come true!

then my camera died.

the after party

adris in town. yaaaaay!
and we had our family
christmas/ugly sweater/present exchange party.
so fun.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

sounds of sunday

one of my favorite christmas songs ever!
they look so merry and fluffy in this video :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

your christmas card

in case i missed you
consider this your christmas card.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

ugly sweaters and facial hair

neighborhood friends christmas party 09

the men

the ladies

the couples

the winners
best sweater
best moustache
and their prizes
signed photo of the queen of christmas sweaters
the stallion trophy

the pictures of the party...

mario and luigi crashed the party

overall it was such a fun night
and i cant wait for next years...