Thursday, December 10, 2009

a couple gems

i had a wild hair to do a little mini session
with my kids before the snow.
(it snowed later that day)
so i could have a recent pic for
christmas cards and throw on the wall
till i can do a shoot this spring.
it was sooooooo freezing cold,
the lighting was terrible
cause me and chance (my helper)
drove around for like 45 minutes trying to
summon the inner strength to deal with the coldness thereof.
the kids were so good and funny though.
so after i treated everyone to a little
tacotime to warm the heart and soul :)

i really love us


  1. great pics, cute family, darling blog! (I think I covered all my bases) I love you!

  2. love it! And darby is getting so big! I miss you all:(
