Saturday, January 30, 2010

3 amigos

one of my most favorite movies reminds me
of my sisters.
me and adri watched it over the holidays
and couldnt help but notice it.
i was slightly bummed i wasnt
jason schwartzman but
you are who you are
and i am owen wilsons character.

~ adri ~ ~ lindsey ~ ~ becky ~

~ lindsey ~ ~ adri ~ ~ becky ~


  1. great movie! I love all 3 of those guys and all 3 of you girls!!

  2. Ya remember when you declared I was Phoebe on Friends- I guess I am who I am!

  3. yep, adrien's adrien & you are owen :) i would really like to try that scooter move with all of us on it. miss and love you guys! xo!

  4. hmmm, i think i need to watch this movie like tonight. We totally need to do the scooter move!

  5. haha - owen's character is great in that movie!
    better than my fam's anderson movie equals anyways - I am pretty sure royal tennenbaum is based entirely on my father, I don't know where he ran into wes but happened.
