Sunday, January 17, 2010

etsy pom pom *love*

darbys cluster funk pom poms
come from orangekisses
and the big pink one was from
good old martha stewart.

then i sewed a paper garland
and draped it over.

turned out...

couldnt help myself got
a couple more for valentines deco.
i guess i cant get enough of pom poms
paper or yarn.


  1. oh my! i love these.
    they are exactly what i've been looking for, for ellie's room.

  2. okay, first i should have asked permission to copy you.
    second, i am ordering some now. do i put the colors i want in a note to the seller?

  3. silly, thats why i put it up there! and your not copying at all.
    yes order the quantity then send a note with the colors. i love it that she has so many freakin colors to choose from.

  4. Sooo cute!! And I love the light fixture in the previous post!! love it! So good to see you blogging again :) I missed checking up on all your fun things.

  5. You are so creative, that is absolutely darling! Fyi i love my wedding pics you did :) and i love your idea of the 365 days of pics journal...i might just copy you!!
