Monday, February 1, 2010

peace out january

im so over january
and ready for a little february action.
so my sister has created a crocheting monster.
im a monster i tell ya!
she is amazing.
she taught me how to crochet hearts.
they are super easy and fun to do.
it was a nice little break from granny squares.
{ive got 40 more left to do!}

yes i had to add mini pom poms.

on a different note.
ive been really really loving my personal
photo a day project.
my online friend
{its not creepy i promise}
is doing it too this year and
its been fun to follow hers as well.

{click to enlarge}

that theres january :)


  1. i loooove your pictures, lindsey!!
    and i am loving the photo-a-day thing, too.
    such an awesome peek into our real lives.
    your pics rock! i gotta get a little more creative...

  2. I love the hearts! You are always doing stuff sweet! When do you have the time?

  3. will you be my valentine? i want a crochet heart!

  4. i hated january in utah. so glum. Love the hearts! Wish you could be here for sims bday:(
