Tuesday, September 14, 2010

book club party night

book club is tonight!
cant wait. its going to be so fun.
i think half the fun of a party is decorating for it.
am i right or am i right ladies?
if you havent read the book
and would like to join
come tonight to eat, chit chat and find out
what the next book will be.

i found this tutorial
while browsing for ideas for decorations.
what a great way to use those
anthro magazines you hate to love
and cant throw away.
i even went to the thrift store
bought an old book
and did the same technique.
love it!


  1. wow! i love those! i am thinking how cute they would be as a christmas wreath too!

  2. wow, way cute linds. sorry i couldn't make it. love you

  3. oh soooo cute!! Great idea!! Get's me thinking.... :)

  4. oh goodness, i have so many birthdays coming up i LOVE that idea.

    and of course, i just recycled all my catalogs. of course.

    wish i could have come to book club : )

  5. Rockin party. so glad I get to be yr friend :)

  6. so clever. Of course. sad I missed it. I'm sure it was awesome!
