Sunday, October 3, 2010

ripple crazy

another amazing weekend spent.
and an amazing relaxing sunday.
my favorite part of today was driving up provo canyon
with the kids and my bestie anna.
so that we could drive under the tunnel
and make a wish.
i REALLY hope mine comes true.
my sister showed me
this easy crotchet pattern
i have one started for darbys room
and then ive started some baby blankets.
the blanket im working on in the pictures
is for a boy.
i love it.
so if you know how to do a double crotchet your all set!

while working on that blanket
i watched christian sell some
painted rocks.
he loves selling painted rocks.
business was a little bit slow today
being sunday and all.
but he still made 4 quarters.


  1. Your amazing I want your skills.. Painted Rocks thats awesome we need to make the trip up for one I think Savannah would pay big bucks for that

  2. We drove up the canyon too. I was thinking about calling you to see if you wanted to come with us. Funny. What was your wish??? :) Friday night was a blast.

  3. um.... next time he sells painted rocks you'd better text me or something.
    ellie would dig that, she would probably pay big bucks, like savanna, for painted rocks:)

  4. sounds like a lovely sunday. Simeon says christian looks rad in his hat.

  5. dude girl...i miss your posts.

    just saying : )

  6. Hi Lindsey! You took our family pictures a few years ago and we would love to hire you again. I don't know if you're still doing pictures (I sure hope so!). Sorry to try and contact you this way (I lost all of your contact info). My email address is if you could let me know. Thank you so much and I hope you're well:-)
