Thursday, April 22, 2010

cutest carni folk

today was carnival day at cmans
kindergarten class.
him and avery did a hula hoop act.
the teacher said that they did
a very good job remembering the routine.

{i love that he is playing with her ring, tender}

they are really good at hula hooping now


Pritchard Family - Megan said...

so stinkin cute!!

EatRunWorkPlay said...

That is soooo cute! BFF's for sure!
BTW, this is my new blog that you can stalk me on! My other went private, and I'm not updating it anymore, so keep this one noted! :)

Wendy Smith said...

I love them....kindred spirits for sure. Thanks for making it so memorable for her. You are amazing.

heather said...

if these two get married one day they are going to have the slide show of the century. i can only hope that my child (children) form such genuine friendships. they are adorable.

Kim said...

Those are the cutest pics ever!!! Aren't they so sweet together :)

The Sandy Bottom Crew said...

that is so precious! they are so tender!

mrs. farlanderz said...

it is probably very strange that somehow I feel invested in their little relationship. I want them to grow old together just from your photos and posts about them.
these photos particularly are so tender and sweet. love it.