Sunday, April 11, 2010

snippetts and snapshots

from a lovely sunday afternoon

if you ever want your 6 yr old boy
that wont smile for pictures
to smile for pictures
just have him fart.
works everytime :)


{Erica} said...

good tip!

Darby looks so much like you! Such a pretty little girl!

Pritchard Family - Megan said...

they are so cute! We miss those gromits!!

The Sandy Bottom Crew said...

man i love those kiddos!

Talia said...

i love your blog, lindsey!
ooooo, and your front door, too!

MaRilla said...

Luv yr kids. You are so talented and amazing. I'm glad yr my friend and I'm glad I'm not the one who bugs you:)

April said...

Oh Linds - She looks just like you. Beautiful!